The Fingerflex Controller
The EL3000S fingerprint controller is a three-in-one device that combines a controller, a card reader, and fingerprint verification in a tiny, attractive, and one-of-a-kind metallic pearl white housing.
As a second-generation successor to the EL3000, the EL3000S is being developed.
- Sensor that detects capacitance
- EM/Mifare reading module built-in
- A 16-key keypad and a brightly lit blue LCD display
- Mounting is simple.
- 9,000 fingerprint templates and 40,000 offline transactions are stored in a large database.
- High-security separate I/O relay (EZ5)
- 10 time zones and 24 timers
- Provide a dual-identification and interlock feature.
- Fingerprint, ID, and ID+PIN are all options for access.
- Fingerprint recognition that is extremely accurate
- Timely verification
- Supports Anti-Passback
- Upgrades are simple using flash memory.
- TCP/IP or RS485 as a communication interface (with LAN module)